Calculate the volume of a cylindrical steel bar which is 8cm long and 3.5cm in diameter

To calculate the volume of a cylindrical steel bar, you can use the formula:

Volume = πr^2h

r = radius of the cylinder
h = height of the cylinder

Given that the diameter of the cylinder is 3.5cm, the radius can be calculated as half of the diameter:
radius (r) = 3.5cm / 2 = 1.75cm

Height (h) = 8cm

Now, substitute the values into the formula:

Volume = π(1.75)^2(8)
Volume = π(3.0625)(8)
Volume = 24.5π

Using the value of π as approximately 3.14159, we can find the volume:

Volume ≈ 24.5 * 3.14159
Volume ≈ 76.96 cm^3

Therefore, the volume of the cylindrical steel bar is approximately 76.96 cubic centimeters.