Commitment in marriage in points

1. Trust and loyalty: Commitment in marriage means being trustworthy and loyal to your partner, and always having their back.

2. Communication: Communication is key in any relationship, and being committed to your marriage means being open and honest with your partner about your thoughts, feelings, and needs.

3. Support: Being committed in marriage involves offering support to your partner during both good times and bad, and always being there for them when they need you.

4. Compromise: Commitment in marriage means being willing to compromise and work through disagreements and conflicts in a healthy and respectful manner.

5. Shared goals and values: Being committed in marriage involves working towards shared goals and values with your partner, and finding common ground on important issues.

6. Making time for each other: Commitment in marriage means making time for your partner, prioritizing your relationship, and nurturing the bond between you both.

7. Respect: Being committed in marriage involves respecting your partner, their boundaries, their opinions, and their feelings, and treating them with kindness and dignity.

8. Growth and development: Commitment in marriage means supporting your partner in their personal growth and development, and striving to grow and evolve together as a couple.