What kind of help did UN provide in Congo/Zaire

The United Nations provided various forms of assistance in Congo/Zaire, including:

- Peacekeeping operations: The UN deployed peacekeeping missions to Congo/Zaire to help maintain peace and security in the region. One such mission was the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) which was established in 1999.
- Humanitarian aid: The UN provided humanitarian assistance to the people of Congo/Zaire, including food, water, shelter, and healthcare services. This assistance was particularly crucial during times of conflict and natural disasters.
- Conflict resolution and mediation: The UN played a role in mediating conflicts and facilitating peace talks between warring parties in Congo/Zaire. This helped to de-escalate tensions and prevent further violence.
- Support for democratic processes: The UN worked to support democratic governance in Congo/Zaire by providing technical assistance for elections, promoting human rights, and strengthening institutions.
- Economic development: The UN supported economic development initiatives in Congo/Zaire, including programs aimed at reducing poverty, improving infrastructure, and promoting sustainable development.
- Reconciliation and peacebuilding: The UN also supported efforts to promote reconciliation and peacebuilding in Congo/Zaire, by fostering dialogue between different ethnic and religious groups, and supporting initiatives to address the root causes of conflict.

Rewrite all that into 2 simple sentences

The United Nations provided peacekeeping operations, humanitarian aid, conflict resolution, and support for democratic processes in Congo/Zaire. Additionally, the UN supported economic development, reconciliation, and peacebuilding initiatives in the region.