How did the Hummurubi code 24, if it is a life that is lost, the city and governor shall pay (one pound) of silver to his heirs, affect the Babylonian people?

The Hummurabi Code's provision stating that if a life is lost, the city and governor shall pay one pound of silver to the victim's heirs had a significant impact on the Babylonian people. This law helped ensure that justice was served in cases of wrongful death, as the guilty party or authorities would be held financially responsible for compensating the victim's family.

By implementing this law, the Babylonian people would have felt more protected and supported by the legal system. It would have also served as a deterrent to potential wrongdoers, as they would know that they could face significant financial penalties for causing harm or death to others.

Overall, the inclusion of this provision in the Hummurabi Code helped promote fairness and accountability in Babylonian society and gave the people a sense of security and trust in their legal system.