Tell me the directions of making your bed

1. Start by straightening out the sheets and blankets on your bed so that they are not tangled or twisted.

2. Tuck in the bottom sheet tightly around the mattress, making sure it is smooth and wrinkle-free.

3. Place the top sheet evenly over the bottom sheet, making sure that it hangs evenly on both sides of the bed.

4. Fold the top sheet over the blankets or comforter at the head of the bed to create a neat, finished look.

5. Arrange your pillows neatly at the head of the bed, propping them up against the headboard or wall.

6. Add any decorative pillows or throws to complete the look of your bed.

7. Smooth out any wrinkles or creases in the sheets and blankets to give your bed a clean and tidy appearance.

8. Once everything is in place, step back and admire your freshly made bed!