Write a composition about the home should have more influence on the child than the school 5 paragraph speak for it not against it

The home is where a child's foundation is built, where values are instilled, and where lasting memories are created. Therefore, it is imperative that the home has a greater influence on a child than the school does.

First and foremost, the home is where a child spends the majority of their time. It is in the home that a child learns how to communicate, how to interact with others, and how to navigate through life. Parents are the first teachers a child has, and they have the greatest impact on a child's development. From teaching them their ABCs to instilling moral values, the home plays a crucial role in shaping a child's character.

Furthermore, the home is a safe haven for a child, a place where they can be themselves without fear of judgment. This sense of security and comfort allows a child to explore their interests, develop their passions, and grow into a confident and well-rounded individual. By contrast, the school environment can sometimes be overwhelming and stressful, making it difficult for a child to fully express themselves and reach their full potential.

In addition, the home is where a child learns important life skills such as responsibility, empathy, and resilience. These skills are not always explicitly taught in school but are crucial for a child's emotional and social development. By witnessing their parents' actions and behaviors, a child learns how to navigate through challenges and deal with adversity, skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Ultimately, the home should have more influence on a child than the school because it is where a child's values, beliefs, and sense of self are formed. While the school plays an important role in a child's education, it is the home that provides the foundation for a child's future success and happiness. Parents have the power to shape their child's future, and it is their responsibility to ensure that the home is a positive and nurturing environment that fosters growth and development.