Jeremy had always been a relatively slim guy, but lately, he had been indulging in unhealthy foods and skipping the gym. As a result, he had started to notice a few extra pounds creeping onto his frame. At first, he didn't think much of it, attributing it to stress and lack of sleep.

However, his best friend Tyler couldn't help but notice the change in Jeremy's appearance. Tyler had always been health-conscious and in shape, so he couldn't help but worry about his friend's sudden weight gain.

One afternoon, as they were hanging out at Tyler's house, Tyler finally decided to address the issue. "Hey man, I've noticed you've put on some weight recently. Are you okay?" Tyler asked, trying to broach the subject delicately.

JEREMY: Um yeah i guess, ive just been kinda busy lately, havent really had time for slef care an whatnot

TYLER: I get that, but taking care of yourself is important too. Maybe we can start going to the gym together or cooking healthier meals. I just want to make sure you're taking care of yourself, man.

yeah yeah sure man, qwhere do we start

TYLER: Let's start by setting some goals for ourselves. Maybe we can aim to go to the gym three times a week and cook at least one healthy meal together each week. We can support each other and keep each other accountable. What do you think?