How did the Hummurubi code 195 affect the Babylonian people?

The Hammurabi Code of 195 laws, enacted by King Hammurabi of Babylon, had a significant impact on the Babylonian people. The code established a strict system of laws that governed various aspects of daily life, including crime, property rights, family matters, and commerce.

One of the key features of the Hammurabi Code was its emphasis on the concept of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," which set out strict punishments for those who broke the law. This helped maintain order and deterred individuals from committing crimes.

The code also provided guidelines for resolving disputes and seeking justice, which helped to ensure fairness and equality within the society. It established clear rules and procedures for legal matters, which improved the overall stability and functioning of the Babylonian civilization.

Overall, the Hammurabi Code of 195 laws had a lasting impact on the Babylonian people by promoting law and order, maintaining social harmony, and ensuring justice and fairness in their society.