the more simple or basic each detail is, the easier the information is to

understand and retain. This principle holds true for any type of information, whether it be instructions for completing a task, explanations of complex concepts, or descriptions of objects or events. By breaking down information into its simplest components and presenting it in a clear and straightforward manner, you make it easier for people to grasp the key points and remember them later on.

This is why it's important to focus on simplicity and clarity when communicating information to others. Whether you're writing a report, giving a presentation, or providing instructions, strive to keep your language concise and easy to understand. Avoid unnecessary jargon or technical terms that might confuse your audience, and use examples or analogies to help clarify your points.

Overall, the more straightforward and uncomplicated your communication is, the more likely it is that your audience will be able to absorb and retain the information you're sharing. Remember, simplicity is key when it comes to effective communication.