Compare how governmental and nongovernmental organizations provide humanitarian efforts around the world. (1 point)

A. • Both forms of organizations provide humanitarian efforts, but only in crises, and they are funded by different entities and have different levels of scope and power.
B. Both forms of organizations provide humanitarian efforts and have the same levels of scope and power, but they are funded by different entities.
C. Both forms of organizations provide humanitarian efforts, but they are funded by different entities and have different levels of scope and power.
D. Both forms of organizations provide humanitarian efforts and are funded by the same entities, but they have different levels of scope and power.

C. Both forms of organizations provide humanitarian efforts, but they are funded by different entities and have different levels of scope and power.

Governmental organizations such as the United Nations, UNICEF, and the Red Cross receive funding from governments and have the power to implement large-scale operations in response to humanitarian crises. They often have a broader scope and can provide resources and support on a global scale.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such as Doctors Without Borders and Save the Children are funded by individual donations, grants, and partnerships with other organizations. They tend to operate on a smaller scale and have a more targeted approach to providing humanitarian assistance. NGOs often have more flexibility in their operations and can respond quickly to emerging crises.

Overall, both governmental and non-governmental organizations play a crucial role in providing humanitarian aid, but they each have their own strengths, limitations, and funding sources.