Convert 90.1% to a fraction and decimal in its simplest form

Fraction: 901/1000

Decimal: 0.901

Find 0% of 56

Find 100% of 56

0% of 56 is 0

100% of 56 is 56

If 85% of a number is 51 and 10% of the same number is 6, find 95% of that number

Let the number be x.

Given that 85% of the number is 51:
0.85x = 51
x = 51 / 0.85
x = 60

Given that 10% of the number is 6:
0.10x = 6
x = 6 / 0.10
x = 60

Now, we need to find 95% of the number:
0.95 * 60 = 57

Therefore, 95% of the number is 57.

What is the result when the number 20 is increased by 25%

To calculate the result when the number 20 is increased by 25%, you can follow these steps:

1. Calculate 25% of 20:
25% of 20 = 0.25 * 20 = 5

2. Add the result from step 1 to the original number 20:
20 + 5 = 25

Therefore, the result when the number 20 is increased by 25% is 25.

What is the result when the number 79 is decreased by 17%

To calculate the result when the number 79 is decreased by 17%, you can follow these steps:

1. Calculate 17% of 79:
17% of 79 = 0.17 * 79 = 13.43

2. Subtract the result from step 1 from the original number 79:
79 - 13.43 = 65.57

Therefore, the result when the number 79 is decreased by 17% is approximately 65.57.

The population of a city decreases by 4% per year. If this years population is 291,000, what will next years population be, to the nearest individual?