Types of African Art

1. Masks: used in traditional ceremonies and rituals, these masks often represent spirits or ancestors and are believed to hold spiritual power.

2. Sculptures: often made from wood, metal, or clay, African sculptures can depict various aspects of life, such as animals, humans, or abstract forms.
3. Textiles: including fabrics such as kente cloth from Ghana and mud cloth from Mali, African textiles are often intricately woven or dyed with traditional patterns and symbols.
4. Beadwork: intricate beadwork is commonly found in African jewelry, clothing, and accessories, with each bead representing a specific meaning or message.
5. Pottery: African pottery is typically handcrafted using traditional techniques and can be decorated with intricate designs or symbols.
6. Jewelry: made from a variety of materials such as gold, silver, beads, and cowrie shells, African jewelry is often symbolic and worn as a form of protection or to signify status and wealth.
7. Basketry: woven baskets are a traditional form of African art, often made from materials like grasses, reeds, or bamboo and used for storage, carrying goods, or as decorative items.
8. Painting: contemporary African artists create vibrant and expressive paintings that draw inspiration from traditional motifs, folklore, and cultural identity.