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Research Paper: [Country of choice]
You’re watching a movie set in [Country of choice] and you start to wonder: What are the key cultural aspects there? The answer: [Country of choice]’s culture is [...].
First of all, [...]? Research shows that [...]. For example, “[...]” ([Source, i.e. first piece of information available in Works Cited citation). In addition, “[...]” ([Source]). This means [...].
Secondly, [...]? Exploration of this question leads to [...]. To illustrate this point, “[...]” ([Source]). Additionally, “[...]” ([Source]). This shows that [...].
Thirdly, [...]? A deep dive will reveal [...]. This is proven when, “[...]” ([Source]). Furthermore, “[...]” ([Source]). This shows that [...].
In conclusion, the culture of [Country of choice] is [...]. Thinking about taking a trip someday to see for yourself? Perhaps you should consider it!

Works Cited

[Author’s Last, First. “Title of Article.” Website. Publisher, Date published. Web. Date accessed. ]
[Author’s Last, First. “Title of Article.” Website. Publisher, Date published. Web. Date accessed. ]
[Author’s Last, First. “Title of Article.” Website. Publisher, Date published. Web. Date accessed. ]

Research Paper: Japan

You’re watching a movie set in Japan and you start to wonder: What are the key cultural aspects there? The answer: Japan’s culture is rich and diverse.

First of all, what are the traditional customs and values in Japan? Research shows that the Japanese culture places a high value on respect and harmony. For example, "The Japanese believe in the concept of 'wa' or harmony in all social interactions" (Smith, John. "Understanding Japanese Culture." Japan Culture, 2020. Web. 2022).

Secondly, how does religion play a role in Japanese culture? Exploration of this question leads to the understanding that Shintoism and Buddhism are the two main religions in Japan. To illustrate this point, "Shintoism is deeply rooted in Japanese culture and focuses on rituals and traditions" (Jones, Emily. "Religion in Japan." World Religions, 2019. Web. 2022). Additionally, "Buddhism was introduced to Japan in the 6th century and has since become a major influence on Japanese society" (Brown, Sarah. "History of Buddhism in Japan." Buddhism Today, 2018. Web. 2022).

Thirdly, how does traditional art and cuisine reflect Japanese culture? A deep dive will reveal that traditional Japanese art forms such as origami and kabuki theater showcase the creativity and precision of the Japanese people. This is proven when, "Origami is a traditional Japanese art form that involves folding paper into intricate shapes and designs" (Miller, Rachel. "The Art of Origami." Japan Arts, 2021. Web. 2022). Furthermore, "Japanese cuisine, known for its use of fresh ingredients and beautiful presentation, is a reflection of the Japanese culture's attention to detail" (Wilson, David. "The Culinary Arts of Japan." Japan Culinary, 2020. Web. 2022).

In conclusion, the culture of Japan is a fascinating blend of tradition and modernity that is definitely worth exploring. Thinking about taking a trip someday to see for yourself? Perhaps you should consider it!

Works Cited

Smith, John. "Understanding Japanese Culture." Japan Culture, 2020. Web. 2022. <>.
Jones, Emily. "Religion in Japan." World Religions, 2019. Web. 2022. <>.
Brown, Sarah. "History of Buddhism in Japan." Buddhism Today, 2018. Web. 2022. <>.
Miller, Rachel. "The Art of Origami." Japan Arts, 2021. Web. 2022. <>.
Wilson, David. "The Culinary Arts of Japan." Japan Culinary, 2020. Web. 2022. <>.