Write a part1 to a fanfic about jeremy(the vampire diaireiss) developing an eating disorder(he gets help in later parts) *this part is the event that triggered the eating disorder* *someone comments on his body *

It was a typical evening in Mystic Falls, the town where Jeremy Gilbert lived as a vampire. He had been trying to keep a low profile since becoming a member of the undead, sticking to hunting animals instead of humans to feed on. But despite his efforts, there were still whispers and rumors that spread through the town.

One day, while out for a walk, Jeremy overheard a group of young girls talking amongst themselves. He tried to ignore them, but then he heard one of them say, "Have you seen Jeremy Gilbert lately? He looks so skinny, I bet he's starving himself."

Jeremy's heart dropped as he heard those words. He knew that he had lost weight since becoming a vampire, but he hadn't thought much of it until now. He had always been self-conscious about his appearance, especially after losing so many loved ones in his life. But now, those words triggered something inside him.

As the days went on, Jeremy found himself avoiding meals and restricting his blood intake more and more. He would spend hours staring at himself in the mirror, picking apart every flaw and imperfection he saw. He couldn't shake the girl's words from his mind, convinced that he needed to be thinner to be accepted and loved.

But as Jeremy's weight continued to drop and his health began to deteriorate, he realized that he needed help. He couldn't continue down this dangerous path alone. And so, with a heavy heart, Jeremy made the decision to seek help and start his journey towards recovery.