What are the correct coordinates for the function g(h)=5h−3  with inputs of −7, −5, −3, −1, 1 ?

To find the output (coordinates) for the given inputs in the function g(h) = 5h - 3:

1. For h = -7:
g(-7) = 5(-7) - 3
g(-7) = -35 - 3
g(-7) = -38

2. For h = -5:
g(-5) = 5(-5) - 3
g(-5) = -25 - 3
g(-5) = -28

3. For h = -3:
g(-3) = 5(-3) - 3
g(-3) = -15 - 3
g(-3) = -18

4. For h = -1:
g(-1) = 5(-1) - 3
g(-1) = -5 - 3
g(-1) = -8

5. For h = 1:
g(1) = 5(1) - 3
g(1) = 5 - 3
g(1) = 2

Therefore, the correct coordinates for the inputs -7, -5, -3, -1, and 1 are (-7, -38), (-5, -28), (-3, -18), (-1, -8), and (1, 2) respectively.