TWO (2) Major Wars/Conflicts/Important Events in Canada

1. World War I (1914-1918): Canada played a significant role in World War I, with over 620,000 Canadians serving in the military. The Battle of Vimy Ridge in 1917, where Canadian forces achieved a major victory, is often seen as a defining moment in Canadian history and identity. Canada's contributions to the war helped establish it as a more independent nation on the world stage.

2. The Oka Crisis (1990): The Oka Crisis was a 78-day standoff between Mohawk protesters and the Canadian government over the expansion of a golf course and condominium development on disputed Indigenous land in Oka, Quebec. The conflict escalated to violence, with one police officer killed and several others injured. The Oka Crisis brought international attention to Indigenous land rights issues in Canada and led to increased efforts to address reconciliation and land claims.