Pair each noun phrase with its opposite on the right:

1 a trivial affair - a fertile area
2 a stubborn beast - a diffuse story
3 a casual glance - a halting conversationalist
4 an arid waste - a serious matter
5 a determined appearance - an oblique attack
6 a concise narrative - a leisurely dawdle
7 a fluent talker - a calculated comment
8 a substantial amount - a prolonged scrutiny
9 a direct assault - a willing animal
10 a brisk promenade - a permanent arrangement
11 a chilly reception - an irresolute air
12 a temporary set-up - a negligible quantity
13 an impetuous remark - a cordial welcome
14 a spendthrift wife - a flippant remark
15 a solemn observation - a thrifty spouse

1 a trivial affair - a serious matter

2 a stubborn beast - a willing animal
3 a casual glance - a prolonged scrutiny
4 an arid waste - a fertile area
5 a determined appearance - an irresolute air
6 a concise narrative - a diffuse story
7 a fluent talker - a halting conversationalist
8 a substantial amount - a negligible quantity
9 a direct assault - an oblique attack
10 a brisk promenade - a leisurely dawdle
11 a chilly reception - a cordial welcome
12 a temporary set-up - a permanent arrangement
13 an impetuous remark - a calculated comment
14 a spendthrift wife - a thrifty spouse
15 a solemn observation - a flippant remark