What other information might be helpful (in general) when gathering information about the computer or network system?

- Operating system version and build

- Hardware specifications
- Network topology
- Firewall and security software in use
- Regular maintenance and update schedules
- Backup and disaster recovery plans
- User access levels and permissions
- Previous incidents or security breaches
- Monitoring and logging tools in place
- Remote access methods and policies
- Vendor support contacts and service level agreements

-Hardware specifications

- Network topology
- Firewall and security software in use
- Regular maintenance and update schedules
- Backup and disaster recovery plans
- User access levels and permissions
- Previous incidents or security breaches
- Monitoring and logging tools in place
- Remote access methods and policies
- Vendor support contacts and service level agreements

Additionally, it might be helpful to gather the following information:

- Software applications and versions installed on the system
- IP addresses and domain names associated with the network
- Virtual private network (VPN) configurations and access
- Intrusion detection/prevention systems in place
- Data encryption methods and protocols used
- Physical security measures for the system or network
- Compliance requirements and certifications relevant to the industry
- Budget allocated for IT security and maintenance
- IT staff qualifications and expertise
- IT policies and procedures documentation
- Incident response and escalation procedures
- System architecture and integration with other systems or tools.