The life cycle of a sea otter includes birth, maternal care, learning essential survival skills, and eventually foraging for food independently.

Rephrase this sentence in 8th grade

Sea otters are born, cared for by their mothers, learn important survival skills, and eventually hunt for food on their own as they grow up.

The life cycle of a sea otter includes birth, maternal care, learning essential survival skills, and eventually foraging for food independently.

Rephrase this sentence in 5th grade

Sea otters are born, taken care of by their moms, learn important skills to survive, and then go find their own food when they grow up.

The life cycle of a sea otter includes birth, maternal care, learning essential survival skills, and eventually foraging for food independently.

Rephrase this sentence in 9th grade

The life cycle of a sea otter encompasses the stages of birth, receiving maternal care, acquiring vital survival skills, and ultimately progressing towards independent foraging for sustenance.

The life cycle of a sea otter includes birth, maternal care, learning essential survival skills, and eventually foraging for food independently.

Rephrase this sentence in 7th grade

The life cycle of a sea otter begins with being born, receiving care from its mother, learning vital survival skills, and eventually hunting for food on its own.