Show tha; 0⁰C =F-32/1.8

To show that 0⁰C is equal to the formula (F-32)/1.8, we can use the Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion formula.

The Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion formula is:
F = (C x 1.8) + 32

Plugging in 0 for C in the formula:
F = (0 x 1.8) + 32
F = 0 + 32
F = 32

Therefore, when the Celsius temperature is 0⁰C, the Fahrenheit temperature is 32⁰F.

Now, we can use the formula (F-32)/1.8:
(32 - 32) / 1.8
0 / 1.8

This shows that when the temperature is 0⁰C, it is also equal to (F-32)/1.8 which is equal to 0.