What was Chile called after gaining independence

After gaining independence, Chile was officially known as the Republic of Chile.

When did it gain Independence: arm-resustance, negotiations, external pressure or colonial power wish to leave

Chile gained independence through a combination of armed resistance and external pressure. The Chilean War of Independence began in 1810 and continued for several years, ultimately leading to Chile's declaration of independence from Spain on February 12, 1818. Externally, support from other independence movements in Latin America, as well as pressure from European powers such as Britain and France, contributed to Chile's successful bid for independence.

What ways did it achieve independence: arm-resustance, negotiations, external pressure or colonial power wish to leave

Chile achieved independence primarily through armed resistance. The Chilean War of Independence, which began in 1810 and lasted for several years, involved military battles and campaigns against Spanish forces in order to secure independence from Spanish colonial rule. Additionally, external pressure from other independence movements in Latin America, as well as support from European powers such as Britain and France, contributed to Chile's successful bid for independence. While negotiations and diplomatic efforts may have played a role in the independence process, it was ultimately the armed resistance and military efforts that were most instrumental in Chile's achievement of independence.