laws that apply only to people in the military

1. The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ): This is a set of laws unique to the military that governs the conduct of members of the armed forces. It includes regulations on crimes such as desertion, insubordination, and misconduct.

2. Military-specific regulations: In addition to the UCMJ, members of the military are subject to specific regulations and rules that dictate their behavior and responsibilities while serving, such as grooming standards, curfews, and uniform guidelines.

3. Deployment and combat laws: Military members are subject to laws and regulations related to deployment and combat, such as rules of engagement, international laws of war, and protocols for handling prisoners of war.

4. Benefits and entitlements: Military personnel are entitled to certain benefits and privileges, such as housing allowances, medical care, and education assistance, which are governed by specific laws and regulations.

5. Military court procedures: Military members may be subject to different court procedures, such as courts-martial, military tribunals, and administrative hearings, which are unique to the military justice system.

6. Military code of conduct: Military personnel are expected to adhere to a code of conduct that outlines their responsibilities, duties, and ethical standards while serving in the military. Failure to follow this code can result in disciplinary action.