How can the reader's point of view create suspense and humor? (1 point)

• A reader might know things that the characters do not.
• A reader might have a preference for one particular character.
O A reader might have prior knowledge about certain historical contexts
• A reader might know the ending of the story-

A reader's point of view can create suspense by knowing things that the characters do not, such as impending danger or hidden motives. This can create tension as the reader waits to see how the characters will react to these unknown factors.

Additionally, a reader's preference for a particular character can create suspense by creating anticipation for that character's fate. The reader may fear for the safety of their favorite character, adding an extra layer of tension to the story.

In terms of humor, a reader's point of view can create comedy by having prior knowledge about certain historical contexts or events that the characters are unaware of. The reader can find amusement in the characters' misunderstandings or misinterpretations of these historical events, adding a lighthearted tone to the story.

Lastly, if a reader already knows the ending of the story, they can find humor in the characters' actions or reactions leading up to that outcome. The reader may see the characters making mistakes or poor decisions that will ultimately lead to the predetermined ending, creating a sense of irony and comedic effect.