Assign the name Costs to the table. How to do in excel

To assign the name "Costs" to a table in Excel, follow these steps:

1. Select the table by clicking on one of the cells in the table.
2. Go to the "Table Tools" tab in the Excel ribbon.
3. Click on the "Design" tab within the "Table Tools" tab.
4. In the "Properties" group, you will see a box where you can enter the name of the table. Enter "Costs" in this box and press Enter.
5. The table will now be named "Costs" in Excel.

Alternatively, you can also assign a name to a table by selecting the table, going to the "Formulas" tab in the Excel ribbon, clicking on "Create from Selection" in the "Defined Names" group, and then selecting the checkbox next to "Top Row" or "Left Column" based on your table structure. This will create a named range for your table, which can be used in formulas and functions in Excel.