Read the excerpt from a speech and answer the question that follows.

[1] Thank you all for joining us today, ladies and gentlemen. As a dedicated public servant, my primary goal is to earn your trust and gain your support for an important new bill that will bring about significant changes in our local education system. Together, we can ensure that every child has access to a high-quality education that equips them with the necessary tools for a successful future.

Which of the following sentences could be added to this paragraph to appeal to the audience's sense of pathos?

According to recent studies, our local education system ranks 47th out of 50 states in student performance. This bill aims to improve that ranking and provide our children with a brighter future.
Think about the countless families who are struggling to provide their children with a quality education. This bill will make a real difference in their lives, giving hope to parents and children alike.
Over the past decade, we've seen a 20% drop in high school graduation rates in our district. This bill is our chance to reverse this alarming trend and set our children on the path to success.
As a dedicated public servant with 15 years of experience in education policy, I have a proven track record of advocating for positive change in our community. This bill is the culmination of my commitment to improving our local education system.

Think about the countless families who are struggling to provide their children with a quality education. This bill will make a real difference in their lives, giving hope to parents and children alike.