1. How did ethnic conflict and nationalism lead to the assassination of Archduke

Franz Ferdinand?

2. Why did the Ottoman Empire ally with Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1914?

3. How did propaganda support a nation’s ability to engage in total war?

4. Why was the Great War a worldwide struggle?

5. How did Germany’s geographic location affect its strategy for fighting the Great War?

6. How did new technology influence the Great War?

7.  How did the Battle of Verdun echo the general experience of the armies fighting
on the Western Front?

8. Why do you think governments limited freedom of speech and assembly during
the war?

9. What two strategies did the Allies employ to attack the Ottoman Empire between
1915 and 1916?

10. Why do you think it was so important to the Allies to “knock the Ottoman Empire
out of the war”?

11. How did colonial conscripts feel about fighting for France?

12. What key goals kept the British and French from supporting Wilson’s Fourteen

13. Why did the representatives at the peace talks near Paris agree to form the League
of Nations?

14. How did the reparations clause of the Treaty of Versailles stifle Germany’s
economic recovery?

15. Why did some Armenians clash with Ottoman leadership?

16. Why do you think the U.S. government did not take action to stop the

17. What reasons did Mehmed Talaat Pasha give the U.S. ambassador for the Ottoman
government’s deportation of the Armenians?

18. How did the Treaty of Versailles contribute to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the outbreak of World War II?

19. What role did alliances play in escalating the conflict in World War I?

20. How did the war impact women's roles in society and the workforce?

21. What were some of the long-term effects of World War I on Europe and the world as a whole?

22. How did the economic repercussions of World War I contribute to the Great Depression?

23. What impact did the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk have on the Russian Revolution and the course of World War I?

24. How did the war impact the global balance of power and pave the way for the emergence of the United States as a superpower?

25. How did the war lead to the dissolution of empires and the creation of new nations?

26. What role did technology and industry play in shaping the outcome of World War I?

27. How did the war impact the mental health and well-being of soldiers who fought in it?

28. How did the war contribute to the rise of nationalistic movements and authoritarian regimes in the interwar period?

I need answers not more questions

Certainly! Here are some brief answers to the questions provided:

1. Ethnic conflict and nationalism in the Balkans led to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip, a member of a nationalist group seeking independence from Austria-Hungary.

2. The Ottoman Empire allied with Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1914 due to shared interests in countering British and Russian influence in the region and protecting their territories.

3. Propaganda supported a nation's ability to engage in total war by shaping public perceptions, promoting patriotism, demonizing the enemy, and justifying government actions.

4. The Great War was a worldwide struggle due to the involvement of major global powers, colonial empires, alliances, and the interconnectedness of economies and communication networks.

5. Germany's geographic location influenced its strategy for fighting the Great War by leading to the adoption of the Schlieffen Plan, which aimed to quickly defeat France before turning to face Russia in a two-front war.

6. New technology such as machine guns, tanks, airplanes, and chemical weapons influenced the Great War by changing the nature of warfare, increasing casualties, and impacting tactics and strategies.

7. The Battle of Verdun echoed the general experience of armies fighting on the Western Front due to the entrenched positions, high casualties, prolonged duration, and strategic importance of the location.

8. Governments limited freedom of speech and assembly during the war to maintain control, prevent dissent and opposition, protect military secrets, and promote unity and morale among the population.

Please let me know if you need more detailed explanations or additional information on any of the questions!

9. What two strategies did the Allies employ to attack the Ottoman Empire between

1915 and 1916?

10. Why do you think it was so important to the Allies to “knock the Ottoman Empire
out of the war”?

11. How did colonial conscripts feel about fighting for France?

12. What key goals kept the British and French from supporting Wilson’s Fourteen

13. Why did the representatives at the peace talks near Paris agree to form the League
of Nations?

14. How did the reparations clause of the Treaty of Versailles stifle Germany’s
economic recovery?

15. Why did some Armenians clash with Ottoman leadership?

16. Why do you think the U.S. government did not take action to stop the

17. What reasons did Mehmed Talaat Pasha give the U.S. ambassador for the Ottoman
government’s deportation of the Armenians?

9. The two strategies employed by the Allies to attack the Ottoman Empire between 1915 and 1916 were the Gallipoli Campaign, which aimed to secure a sea route to Russia, and the Arab Revolt, supporting Arab nationalists in their fight against Ottoman rule.

10. It was important for the Allies to "knock the Ottoman Empire out of the war" because it would weaken the Central Powers, open up supply routes to Russia, secure access to Middle Eastern resources, and potentially lead to the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire.

11. Colonial conscripts fighting for France often had mixed feelings. Some were motivated by the promise of rights and recognition, while others harbored distrust and resentment towards colonial powers for exploiting their lands and resources.

12. The key goals that kept the British and French from fully supporting Wilson's Fourteen Points were their own imperial ambitions, territorial gains promised by secret treaties, and the desire to punish Germany for the war.

13. The representatives at the peace talks near Paris agreed to form the League of Nations as a way to promote international cooperation, prevent future conflicts, and provide a platform for peaceful resolution of disputes.

14. The reparations clause of the Treaty of Versailles stifled Germany's economic recovery by imposing heavy financial burdens, leading to hyperinflation, economic instability, and social unrest in Germany.

15. Some Armenians clashed with Ottoman leadership due to perceived discrimination, marginalization, and historic tensions, leading to suspicions and fears of Armenian nationalist movements.

16. The U.S. government did not take action to stop the deportations of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire partly due to diplomatic considerations, lack of reliable information, and a desire to maintain neutrality in the conflict.

17. Mehmed Talaat Pasha gave reasons for the Ottoman government's deportation of Armenians, citing security concerns, accusations of collaboration with the enemy, and the need to maintain internal order during wartime.