What are the steps of a cascade in the endocrine system?

1. A stimulus triggers the release of a hormone from an endocrine gland in response to a specific need or situation.

2. The hormone is released into the bloodstream and travels to target cells or tissues that have specific receptors for that hormone.

3. The hormone binds to its receptor on the target cell, activating a signaling cascade within the cell.

4. The signaling cascade triggers a series of intracellular events that ultimately lead to a specific cellular response, such as the synthesis of proteins, changes in gene expression, or alterations in the cell's metabolism.

5. The cellular response helps to regulate various physiological processes in the body, such as growth, metabolism, reproduction, and stress response.

6. Negative feedback mechanisms may be activated to regulate the levels of the hormone in the bloodstream and maintain homeostasis.

7. Once the need for the hormone has been met or the stimulus has been removed, the cascade is stopped, and hormone levels return to baseline.