At the skating rink. David paid 5.1.5 and skated for 3 hours while Jennifer skated for 2 hours and paid $ 11.10 Both of the prices include the price of renting skates

The cost per hour is $

The initial skate rental cost is $

Total cost for David: $15.15

Total cost for Jennifer: $11.10

Cost per hour:
For David: $15.15 / 3 hours = $5.05 per hour
For Jennifer: $11.10 / 2 hours = $5.55 per hour

Initial skate rental cost:
For David: $5.05 * 3 hours = $15.15 - $5.15 = $10
For Jennifer: $5.55 * 2 hours = $11.10 - $11.10 = $0

So, the cost per hour is $5.05 and the initial skate rental cost is $10.