List out three of Nero's major accomplishments during his rule.

1. Reconstruction efforts after the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, including rebuilding many public buildings and areas of the city.

2. Initiating public works projects, such as the construction of the Domus Aurea (Golden House) and the completion of the Circus Maximus.
3. Implementing various cultural reforms, such as supporting the arts and expanding artistic patronage, including funding for theatrical productions and public games.

How do we remember Nero today? What is his legacy?

Nero is primarily remembered today for being a notoriously tyrannical and extravagant ruler, rumored to have been responsible for the persecution of Christians and the murder of his own mother and other family members. His reputation as a cruel and capricious leader has been perpetuated through historical accounts and popular culture.

Nero's legacy is one of infamy and notoriety, as he is often portrayed as a symbol of decadence, extravagance, and tyranny. Despite his accomplishments in reconstruction and cultural patronage, his negative reputation as a ruthless and incompetent ruler has overshadowed his achievements. Nero's reign marked a turning point in Roman history, leading to a period of instability and unrest that ultimately contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire.

what was his job title

Nero's job title was Emperor of Rome. He ruled as the fifth Roman emperor from 54 AD to 68 AD.