Qualities of Jesus

1. Compassionate: Jesus showed empathy and care towards those who were suffering or marginalized. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and comforted the brokenhearted.

2. Forgiving: Jesus taught the importance of forgiveness and demonstrated it by forgiving those who had wronged him, including his own executioners.

3. Loving: Jesus preached the message of love and acceptance, urging his followers to love their neighbors as themselves.

4. Humble: Despite his divine nature, Jesus lived a humble life and often associated with the poor and outcasts of society.

5. Wise: Jesus was known for his insightful teachings and parables that challenged conventional wisdom and encouraged deeper reflection on spiritual matters.

6. Courageous: Jesus fearlessly stood up against injustice and corruption, even if it meant facing persecution and ultimately death.

7. Merciful: Jesus showed mercy and grace to sinners, offering them a path to redemption and salvation.

8. Selfless: Jesus sacrificed his own life for the salvation of humanity, demonstrating the ultimate act of selflessness and love.