Giver reasons why nylon is unsuitable for sports wear.

1. Lack of breathability: Nylon is not a very breathable fabric, which can trap heat and moisture against the skin during physical activity, leading to discomfort and potentially causing overheating.

2. Limited moisture-wicking properties: Nylon does not absorb sweat well, which can leave the fabric feeling damp and heavy during intense workouts. This can also lead to chafing and skin irritation.

3. Poor odor resistance: Nylon can retain sweat and odor, making it less ideal for sportswear where odor control is important.

4. Lack of stretch: Nylon is not as stretchy as other fabrics like spandex or polyester, which can restrict movement during sports and workouts.

5. Durability concerns: While nylon is known for its strength and durability, it may not hold up as well to the constant stretching and movement involved in sports activities compared to other more resilient fabrics.

6. Environmental impact: Nylon is a synthetic material derived from petroleum, making it less environmentally friendly compared to natural fibers like cotton or sustainable options like bamboo or recycled polyester.