describe the make table query found in Ms Access

In Microsoft Access, the MAKE TABLE query is used to create a new table by copying the structure and data from an existing table. The syntax for the MAKE TABLE query is as follows:

SELECT [ColumnName1], [ColumnName2], ...
INTO NewTableName
FROM ExistingTableName
WHERE Condition;

In this syntax:
- [ColumnName1], [ColumnName2], ... are the names of the columns that you want to include in the new table. You can specify multiple column names separated by commas.
- NewTableName is the name of the new table that will be created.
- ExistingTableName is the name of the existing table from which the data and structure will be copied.
- WHERE Condition is an optional part of the query that allows you to specify a condition for selecting specific rows from the existing table to include in the new table.

When the MAKE TABLE query is executed, a new table with the specified columns and data from the existing table will be created in the database.