Explain why NoSQL databases are considered suitable for storing big data.

NoSQL databases are considered suitable for storing big data for several reasons:

1. Scalability: NoSQL databases are designed to scale horizontally, meaning they can easily handle large amounts of data by distributing the load across multiple servers. This makes them well-suited for storing and processing massive amounts of data.

2. Flexibility: NoSQL databases do not have a fixed schema, allowing for more flexible and dynamic data storage. This makes them ideal for handling diverse types of data, such as unstructured and semi-structured data commonly found in big data applications.

3. High performance: NoSQL databases are optimized for high performance and can quickly retrieve and process large volumes of data. They use distributed architecture and often employ parallel processing techniques to improve query performance and reduce latency.

4. Automatic sharding: Many NoSQL databases support automatic sharding, which partitions data across multiple servers to improve performance and facilitate scalability. This helps distribute the data processing workload evenly and efficiently.

5. Fault tolerance: NoSQL databases are designed to be fault-tolerant, with built-in mechanisms for data replication and redundancy. This ensures high availability and data reliability, even in the event of hardware failures or network issues.

Overall, the scalability, flexibility, performance, automatic sharding, and fault tolerance features of NoSQL databases make them well-suited for storing and processing big data.