What do you tend to remember more, the gift or the giver? Think of some examples of some gifts you have received in your life.

I tend to remember the giver more than the gift, as I believe the thought and intention behind a gift is what truly matters. Some examples of gifts I have received in my life include:

1. A handmade quilt from my grandmother - I remember her spending hours sewing each patch with love and care, which makes the gift even more special to me.

2. A book recommendation from a friend - The book itself was great, but what stands out more to me is the time my friend took to understand my interests and recommend something she thought I would enjoy.

3. A surprise bouquet of flowers from my significant other - While the flowers were beautiful, what I remember most is the smile on their face when they presented them to me, showing me how much they care.

4. A piece of artwork from my niece - Even though the artwork itself was simple, I cherish it because it was made with love and given to me with a huge smile and a hug.

Overall, the thought and effort put into a gift by the giver is what resonates with me and makes it memorable.

A shorter answer

I tend to remember the giver more than the gift. Examples include a handmade quilt from my grandmother, a book recommendation from a friend, a surprise bouquet of flowers from my significant other, and a piece of artwork from my niece. The thought and effort behind the gifts make them memorable.