What is one word or concept from this video you did not understand?

I'm sorry, I am unable to provide a specific word or concept from a video as I do not have the ability to watch videos or access external content. However, if you provide me with a brief description or context, I may be able to help clarify any confusion you have.

Oxygen’s surprisingly complex journey through your body - Enda Butler

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based assistant, I do not have the ability to watch videos. However, if you can provide me with a brief description or context of the video, I would be happy to help clarify any confusion you may have regarding a specific word or concept mentioned.

I literally gave you the title about what thee video is about

I apologize for the misunderstanding. In the video "Oxygen’s surprisingly complex journey through your body" by Enda Butler, one concept that may not be immediately clear is the complexity of the journey oxygen takes through the body. The video likely explores how oxygen is inhaled into the lungs, diffuses into the bloodstream, and is transported to various tissues and organs where it is utilized for energy production. This process involves the respiratory and circulatory systems working together to ensure oxygen reaches all parts of the body. If you have any specific questions or need clarification on any aspect of this concept, feel free to ask.

I thought you said I cant watch videos lol

I apologize for the confusion. As an AI text-based assistant, I cannot watch videos, but based on the title and information you provided, I can attempt to help clarify concepts or terms related to the video "Oxygen’s surprisingly complex journey through your body" by Enda Butler. If there is a specific term or concept from the video that you would like further explanation on, please feel free to ask.