Pick one of your items. You have been contacted by a customer in Alaska who wants to purchase several of these items and wants you to ship the items to her. You have already established the cost per item and you will only charge the customer $5 to ship these items to Alaska. Suppose another company sells the same item but charges half of your price. However, if the customer buys from this company, she will be charged $20 in shipping costs.

Write two equations to represent the customer’s total cost based on how many items she buys from each of the two sellers—you and the other company.

The Item:Engraved Jewelry

Let x represent the number of items purchased.

For the customer buying from our store:

Total cost = Cost per item + $5 shipping
Total cost = ($price per item$ * x) + $5

For the customer buying from the other company:

Total cost = Cost per item + $20 shipping
Total cost = ($0.5 * price per item * x) + $20