Authoritarian governments dehumanise individuals by addressing technocratic authoritarianism, through the integration of societal norms that suppress intellectual curiosity and ? through the control of technology.

i need to come up with another reason becasue for second reason i talked about dehumasaiton but i just realised that is my postiion not my reason
can you recommend me a reason i was myabe thinking violence realted with something but..
the reason need to be able to wrap up fahrenehit 451 and bladerunner 451 that is differnet to my reason 1 surpress of intellecutal curiosirty

How about exploring the idea of suppression of individuality? In an authoritarian government, individuals are often forced to conform to a collective identity, stripping them of their own unique selves. This can be seen in both Fahrenheit 451 and Blade Runner, as characters are controlled and manipulated by the government in order to maintain societal order. The suppression of individuality dehumanizes individuals by removing their autonomy and personal agency, reducing them to mere cogs in a larger, oppressive machine.