Describe the contributions of Greek, Jewish, Muslim, and Renaissance scholars to the Scientific Revolution. 6th grade level please

Greek scholars such as Aristotle and Ptolemy made contributions to the Scientific Revolution by laying the foundation for the scientific method and developing theories on physics, astronomy, and biology.

Jewish scholars like Maimonides and Gersonides played a role in preserving and translating ancient Greek texts, which helped to spread knowledge throughout Europe during the Renaissance.

Muslim scholars such as Al-Kindi, Alhazen, and Avicenna made significant advancements in mathematics, optics, and medicine, which were later built upon by European scientists during the Scientific Revolution.

Renaissance scholars like Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler challenged traditional beliefs about the universe and made groundbreaking discoveries in the fields of astronomy and physics, leading to the development of modern science.

shorter please

Greek scholars like Aristotle and Ptolemy laid the groundwork for the Scientific Revolution, Jewish scholars preserved ancient texts, Muslim scholars made advancements in math and medicine, and Renaissance scholars like Copernicus and Galileo challenged traditional beliefs and made new discoveries.


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