How to please the lord every moments of my life

1. Start your day with prayer and thanksgiving to the Lord. Begin by acknowledging His presence and seeking His guidance for the day ahead.

2. Spend time reading and studying the Bible regularly to deepen your understanding of God's word and His will for your life.

3. In all that you do, strive to glorify God and honor Him with your actions, words, and thoughts. Seek to reflect His love, mercy, and grace in your interactions with others.

4. Serve others selflessly and generously, as Jesus taught us to do. Look for opportunities to help those in need and show compassion and kindness to all people.

5. Trust in God's plan for your life and have faith in His promises. Surrender your will to His and seek His guidance and wisdom in all decisions you make.

6. Stay connected to the Lord through prayer and regular communication with Him. Seek His presence in every moment of your day and invite Him to be a part of all that you do.

7. Finally, remember to give thanks and praise to the Lord for His blessings and provision in your life. Cultivate a heart of gratitude and humility, recognizing that all good things come from Him.

By following these practices and seeking to live a life that pleases the Lord, you can strive to honor Him in every moment of your life.