Can Someone help me with resource sources quick check 7th grade

Of course! Here are some reliable sources for 7th grade research projects:

1. Encyclopedia Britannica - Online encyclopedia with accurate and up-to-date information on a wide range of topics.

2. National Geographic Kids - Website with articles, videos, and photos on science, history, and geography topics.

3. New York Times Student Journeys - Educational resources and articles from the New York Times tailored for students.

4. Scholastic News - News website for young readers with current events articles and quizzes.

5. Library of Congress - Online database with primary sources, photographs, and historical documents for research projects.

6. Khan Academy - Educational website with videos and interactive lessons on a variety of subjects.

7. Smithsonian Education - Educational resources and videos from the Smithsonian museums and institutions.

These sources are reliable and appropriate for 7th grade research projects.