If the volume of a right rectangular prism is 1.5in^3 and its length and width have a product of 1.5in^2 what is the height of this prism?

Let's call the length of the prism L, the width W, and the height H.

We know the volume of a prism is calculated by multiplying the length, width, and height: V = LWH.

Given that the volume is 1.5 in^3, we have:

1.5 = LWH.

We also know that the product of the length and width is 1.5 in^2, so we have:

LW = 1.5.

Now, we are looking for the height of the prism, which we can solve for by dividing the volume by the product of the length and width:

H = V / (LW).

Substituting the given values:

H = 1.5 / 1.5.

H = 1.

Therefore, the height of the prism is 1 inch.