Determine the measures of the complementary angles in the figure shown.

Remember that complementary angles add up to 90 degrees.

Step 1: Set up an equation and solve for x
Step 2: Find the value of the angles.
one angel is 2x the other angel is x
Marked Angle Measure (in degrees)

Step 1:

Since the two angles are complementary, their measures add up to 90 degrees.
x + 2x = 90
3x = 90
x = 30

Step 2:
Now that we have found the value of x, we can find the measures of the angles:
Angle marked x = 30 degrees
Angle marked 2x = 2(30) = 60 degrees

Therefore, the measures of the two angles are:
Angle marked x = 30 degrees
Angle marked 2x = 60 degrees