properties of potassium compared to that of sodium

- Potassium is the 19th element on the periodic table, while sodium is the 11th element.

- Both potassium and sodium are alkali metals, belonging to group 1 of the periodic table.
- Potassium has an atomic number of 19, while sodium has an atomic number of 11.
- Both elements have similar chemical properties due to their placement in the same group on the periodic table.
- Both potassium and sodium are highly reactive metals, particularly with water and oxygen.
- Potassium is more reactive than sodium and tends to react more vigorously with water.
- Potassium has a higher melting and boiling point compared to sodium.
- Potassium is also a softer metal compared to sodium.
- Both elements are essential for human health and are important electrolytes in the body.
- Potassium is found in higher concentrations inside cells, while sodium is found in higher concentrations outside cells.