What was significant about ancient Chinese art?

It was used more than written texts.
It demonstrated belief in a variety of ideas.
It was supervised by officials for accuracy.
It was created by people from all backgrounds.

One significant aspect of ancient Chinese art was that it was used more than written texts as a form of communication and expression. Art was used to convey traditional Chinese values, beliefs, and societal norms through symbolism and imagery. Additionally, ancient Chinese art demonstrated a belief in a variety of ideas such as Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, with each ideology influencing different styles and subjects in art. Furthermore, art in ancient China was supervised by officials for accuracy and adherence to cultural norms, ensuring that it reflected the values of the ruling elite. Lastly, ancient Chinese art was created by people from all backgrounds, allowing for a diversity of styles, techniques, and subject matter that reflected the rich cultural tapestry of ancient China.