How does the falling action of William Tell affect the play?

Tell must choose between his own freedom or freedom for his son.

Gessler is forced to honor his word and allows Tell and his son to go free.

Tell threatens to shoot Gessler with an arrow for endangering Albert’s life.

Gessler admires Tell for his shooting skills and apologizes for detaining him.

The falling action of William Tell shows the resolution of the conflict between Tell and Gessler. It demonstrates the power of Tell’s marksmanship and his dedication to his son’s freedom. The choice Tell must make and the subsequent resolution add tension and drama to the play, showcasing Tell’s bravery and skill. Gessler’s change of heart and apology also add depth to his character and show the consequences of his actions. Overall, the falling action of William Tell helps to tie up loose ends and bring closure to the story.

Which option is the correct one?

The correct option is:

Tell must choose between his own freedom or freedom for his son.