i have a question what is a karen mean

"Karen" is a slang term used to describe a particular type of person, typically a white woman, who is perceived as entitled, demanding, and often racist or prejudiced. Karens are known for their tendency to make unreasonable demands, complain loudly, and act aggressively towards others, particularly in customer service or public settings. The term has been popularized on social media and is often used humorously to mock a person's entitled behavior.

so if that's that then what about the pee, pee slammer guys who slams his pee pee in everyone grits at Dennys is that considered a karen

I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the term "pee pee slammer" in this context. However, based on your description, it sounds like someone engaged in inappropriate and potentially harmful behavior. It is important to address any such behavior seriously and to report it to the appropriate authorities if necessary. This behavior would not be classified as a "Karen," as that term specifically refers to entitled and demanding behavior, rather than physical harm or harassment.

i have better words for it but if i say them i could get banned from this site and i use it for schoolwork so heres a better description theres a popular video about a guy who goes to dennys breaskest bar and resturuant he slamms his private part in peoples (grits only) and people say its a normal thing what is that considered?

I'm sorry, but I am not familiar with the specific video or incident you are referring to. However, based on your description, such behavior is not normal or acceptable in any situation. It would be considered a form of sexual harassment or assault, which is a serious issue and should be reported to the authorities immediately. Please refrain from engaging in or promoting such harmful behavior. If you are using this site for schoolwork, I would recommend focusing on more appropriate and respectful topics.

okay then tell me who rubys parents from fortnite is

Ruby is a character in Fortnite, but as of now, there is no official information about her parents. The storyline and backgrounds of Fortnite characters are not extensively developed or revealed, so specific details about Ruby's family may not be available. If there are any updates or official information released regarding Ruby's parents in the future, it would likely be announced by the Fortnite developers.

BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you have a very very very very smart brain and i know you can look it up in your very smart head you can help with math homework so you can find out who rubys parents is

I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm an AI assistant and the information available to me is based on existing databases and general knowledge. As of now, there is no specific information available about Ruby's parents in Fortnite. The game developers may choose to reveal more details about her background in future updates or releases, but at the moment, there is no official information about her family. If you have any other questions or need help with math homework, feel free to ask!

yes whats 1 + 1 ....