Jatzel is practicing his free throws for basketball, so he shoots 100 free throws. Jatzel hits the rim and misses with 3/5 of his shots, hits the backboard and misses with 17% of his shots, and makes the remaining shots. How many free throws did Jatzel make?

First, let's find out how many shots Jatzel missed by hitting the rim. Since he misses with 3/5 of his shots, the number of shots he misses by hitting the rim is:

3/5 * 100 = 60

Next, let's find out how many shots Jatzel missed by hitting the backboard. Since he misses with 17% of his shots, the number of shots he misses by hitting the backboard is:

17% of 100 = 0.17 * 100 = 17

Now, let's add the number of shots Jatzel missed by hitting the rim and hitting the backboard:

60 + 17 = 77

So, Jatzel made the remaining shots:

100 - 77 = 23

Therefore, Jatzel made 23 free throws.