Define and explain what Basic Needs Approach (BNA) is

The Basic Needs Approach (BNA) is a concept in development economics that focuses on identifying and fulfilling the basic needs of individuals and communities as a means to promote sustainable development and improve quality of life. The basic needs approach emerged as an alternative to traditional economic development models that prioritized economic growth and macro-level indicators of progress, such as GDP.

The BNA emphasizes the importance of meeting essential needs such as food, shelter, health care, education, and employment, as well as ensuring access to clean water, sanitation, and social services. By addressing these basic needs, the approach aims to enhance the well-being and dignity of individuals, reduce poverty, and promote social cohesion.

The BNA acknowledges that each individual or community may have specific needs and priorities, and therefore advocates for participatory and community-driven development strategies. It also emphasizes the importance of considering social, cultural, and environmental factors in the design and implementation of development programs.

Overall, the Basic Needs Approach places people at the center of development efforts and seeks to create sustainable and equitable solutions to address poverty and inequality.