What CSS Properties will you need for my fashion web page?

Some possible CSS properties that you may need for your fashion web page include:

1. Font-family: to specify the preferred font for text content
2. Color: to set the text color of various elements
3. Background-color: to set the background color of different sections or elements
4. Padding: to create spacing within elements
5. Margin: to create space around elements
6. Width and Height: to set the dimensions of elements
7. Display: to control how elements are displayed (e.g. block, inline, flex)
8. Text-align: to align text within elements
9. Font-size: to set the size of text
10. Border: to add borders to elements
11. Position: to control the positioning of elements on the page
12. Flexbox or Grid: to create responsive layouts
13. Hover effects: to add interactive effects when hovering over elements
14. Media queries: to create styles specific to different viewport sizes (e.g. mobile, tablet, desktop)
15. Animation: to add dynamic and engaging effects to the page.