can u simple and shorten this

To find the probability of drawing a red marble, we first need to determine how many red marbles are in the bowl. We know that there are a total of 120 marbles and that 80 of them are black and 28 of them are white. Therefore, the number of red marbles can be found by subtracting the number of black and white marbles from the total:
Number of red marbles = Total number of marbles - Number of black marbles - Number of white marbles
Number of red marbles = 120 - 80 - 28 = 12

So there are 12 red marbles in the bowl.

The probability of drawing a red marble can be found by dividing the number of red marbles by the total number of marbles:

Probability of drawing a red marble = Number of red marbles / Total number of marbles
Probability of drawing a red marble = 12 / 120
Probability of drawing a red marble = 0.1

Therefore, there is a 0.1 probability, or a 10% chance, of drawing a red marble from the bowl.

There are 12 red marbles out of 120 total marbles in the bowl. The probability of drawing a red marble is 0.1, or 10%.